Donations of Time, Talent & Treasure
We appreciate your support – as a giver, as a volunteer, as an acolyte of change. Excitedly, we would like to share that our beneficiary target is changing – we will now share the In Honor of Her funds through a scholarship process that we are implementing.
Marijke, as many of you know, was an amazing teacher with a remarkable reputation. Our shift will be from the general funds of our various shelter-beneficiaries to the victims of those who are left behind with little to no tuition support.
Think about this – just this year in Maryland, we are aware of four different families where children have lost one or both of their parents to death or incarceration. This leaves those children with no obvious source of higher education funding.
Again, what would Marijke say about this? We believe she would say, “Get Working!!! These children need us and whatever resources we can share”. This financial shift is important to all of us. We now “get to” target a very specific goal rather than simply giving to a general fund.